Plant of The Day 20/04/22
Today's plant of the day is Alstroemeria! This naturally compact perennial is easy to grow and has strong garden vigour. Free-flowing...

Plant of The Day 19/04/22
Today's plant of the day is Gaura Giggles Pink! An attractive, finely stemmed plant that produces masses of bright pink flowers every...

Plant of The Day 18/04/22
Today's plant of the day is Alchemilla Mollis Thriller! This excellent cottage garden plant bears masses and masses of huge flowers in...

Plant of The Day 17/04/22
Today's plant of the day is Festuca Cinerea Festina! Rounded mounds of frosted rich blue leaves that hold their colour well into autumn....

Plant of The Day 16/04/22
Today's plant of the day is Bidens Port Royal! Amazing golden yellow semi double flowers on lovely green fern-like foliage. This plant is...

Plant of The Day 15/04/22
Today's plant of the day is Geranium Palladium Candyfloss Mix! An elegant, long-season display of beautiful showy pink and white blooms...

Tomato Time!
Be self-sustaining this summer by growing your own tomatoes from Care In The Garden Whether you're looking to grow them inside or...

Plant of The Day 14/04/22
Today's plant of the day is Argyranthemums! With such a brilliant variety of colours, how could you not love argyranthemums? This...

What To plant This May
In this blog we'll walk you through some plants to get out in your garden this May - all of which are currently in stock at The Plant...

Plant of The Day 12/04/22
Today's plant of the day is Euryops Sonnenschein! This amazing plant produces large, golden daisy-like flowers throughout the summer and...