Have you visited our houseplant area recently?
We have a lovely range of succulent plants all individually priced. They make an ideal plant for your home.
New stock arrived!
We have potted Cherry and Victoria Plum trees at a fantastic price of only £12.95
Onion sets are now available
Onion sets are now available from the nursery ready for early planting. Priced at £3.75 per kilo.Plant them now and you will have lots of...
Snowdrops in the green
We have snowdrops in the green available now. They are actually growing, so once planted they should multiply year on year. Priced at 35p...
New Stock just arrived this week!
We have a new range of shrubs and fruit bushes. Prices start at an amazing £2.95.
This weeks beautiful flowers
This weeks beautiful flowers cost just £3.95. We don't have many left, so get yours before they are all gone.
New Stock just arrived this week!
We have Apple, Pear and Cherry trees available as bare rooted stock at the fantastic price of only £7.95, or ready potted up at £14.95.
Amaryllis bulbs ready potted
If you don't want to go to the trouble of potting up your own bulbs, we have Amaryllis bulbs already potted up at only £5.95 each. Water...
Primula Obconica are on special offer until the end of the month.
They make beautiful houseplants and as you can see from the photos they come in various shades. At only £2.50 each they are an...
This weeks special offer!
Now is an ideal time to plant roses, so if you buy 3 roses from us (£5.95 each) we will help you get your roses off to a good start by...